Logo: Bechem Lubrication TechnologyLogo: Bechem Lubrication Technology
Anti-friction Coatings / Water-based

Berucoat AK 978

SKU Nr. 10000320 / 9100039
Air-drying anti-friction coating

Berucoat AK 978 is a water-based bonded coating to prevent noise caused by vibrations and stick-slip in the interior of motor vehicles. After drying, Berucoat AK 978 forms a transparent, elastic film that is visible under UV light.

Noise damping
UV tracer
Compatible with plastics
Automotive industry
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Product description

Automotive industry, Railway technology
Examples of application

  • Minimization of noise, which are generated by oscillations and vibrations, mainly in the interior region in connection with the materials plastic, leather and textile
  • In the area of door trims and sun roofs
  • Automotive and supplier industry

  • Prevents stick-slip and noises
  • Water based
  • Excellent plastic compatibility
  • Transparent, invisible Film
  • Formaldehyde free
  • Contains UV-indicator, dry layers visible under UV-lamp
Material combinations
Leather/Leather, Leather/metal, Plastic/plastic, Steel/plastic

Typical Characteristics

Working temperature range
-40 – 80 °C
Varnish optics
Distilled/demineralized water
Solid lubricants
special solid lubricant combination
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Berucoat AK 978
Air-drying anti-friction coating

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