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Lubricating Greases / Lubricating Greases for Open and Closed Gears

Berutox M 21 EPK 420

SKU Nr. 10000289 / 9014701
Semi-fluid grease

Berutox M 21 EPK 420 is a particularly strongly adhesive fluid grease for heavily loaded gears, rolling and plain bearings.

High loads
High temperatures
Resistant to water
Roller bearings
Closed gears
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Product description

Cement industry, Mining, Paper industry, Steel industry, Textiles and apparel industry
Examples of application

  • Heavily loaded spur and worm gears of low circumferential speed exposed to high temperatures
  • Heavily loaded plain and roller bearings especially in heavy industry
  • Heavily loaded not oil-proof gearboxes

  • Excellent wear and corrosion protection
  • High adhesive power even at elevated temperatures
  • Very high pressure resistance of lubrication film
  • No tendency to softening even if exposed to high shear stresses
  • Excellent water resistance
  • Excellent flowability prevents a channeling effect in gearboxes
  • Very good wetting properties of surfaces

Typical Characteristics

Base oil
Mineral oil
Kinematic viscosity of the base oil at 40 °C
490.0 mm²/s
Kinematic viscosity of the base oil at 100 °C
32.0 mm²/s
Working temperature range
-5 – 160 °C
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Berutox M 21 EPK 420
Semi-fluid grease

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