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Tribology Days 2023 

The Tribology Days were launched by Prof. Roland Larsson over 20 years ago and are still organised by him today. Prof. Larsson is head of the Department of Machine Elements at Luleå University of Technology in Sweden and a world-renowned expert in tribology, lubrication, wear, modelling of tribological phenomena, contact mechanics and the application of these disciplines to rolling bearings, couplings, hydraulic components, tyres, skis and other systems. All of these topics are also the subject of the Tribology Days, where representatives from science and industry present and discuss tribological topics. Typically, this is primarily a Swedish event, but it has already attracted increasing international interest in the past.


On the 15th and 16th of November 2023, the Tribology Days took place for the first time outside Scandinavia at CARL BECHEM GMBH in Germany. Participants from 7 different countries met in Hagen. Over 2 days, 17 lectures were presented on various tribology topics such as lubricants, friction testing, monitoring of technical systems and others. Thanks to the expert audience, lively discussions ensued after each of the presentations, which were often continued during the conference breaks and provided plenty of impetus for future projects. The programme was concluded with a tour of BECHEM's main plant in Hagen. Many new contacts were made during the tour, at the conference itself and at the social evening events, thus further expanding the global tribological network.
